No, I have not fallen off the face of the Earth, but at times, admittedly, I feel as though it would not be such a far off place. I have let life consume me. That is why I love running. What an escape!
The latest (and not necessarily recent) developments in my marathon adventure are:
I have in fact committed to running the Chicago marathon as part of the St. Jude’s Children Hospital fundraiser. I received my packet last Friday. I’m running for Mary.
I have purchased and began reading Hal Hidgon’s latest book.
I am getting out for jogs nearly every other day.
The evening that I received Hal’s book in the mail, I immediately sought out his training schedule. Yup, I’m a planner! I just had to know what I had gotten myself into as far as time commitments. I sat down with a calendar and started counting back 18 weeks from October 7th. Much to my relief, I realized I was not a scary 5-6 weeks behind. I for some reason had it in my head that if I was not running 6 days a week starting the second week in April, I was never going to be able to be fit enough in time for the marathon in October. I guess my overdramatic side had taken over. I am excited to say that week 1 (18 weeks out) is next week!
Looking to the future, I’m focusing on having a training plan and following it. I plan to do the Hal Hidgon’s Intermediate 1 Training Plan. Although this is my first marathon, which makes me a beginner, I have been a runner nearly my whole life. In fact last summer, without any goal in mind, I was putting myself through long runs, hill repeats and speed workouts. I love feeling strong. I’m disappointed with myself this winter because I did not maintain my usual rigorous cardio/weight/circuit regimen that I typically follow when the weather moves south for a few months. However, I feel like I’m coming up strong as I start to run more. My goal is really to following the training schedule to avoid burn out. I’ll throw in my usual hikes and horseback riding, along with some weight circuits, yoga and calisthenics. I’m convinced that since a horrible knee injury and some shin splints in high school, it is the 30 minutes of calisthenics drills that have saved my knees, hips and ankles over the years. That is not to say I don’t hurt at times. (Knees are sore today.) In fact, my next two major “To Do” items are to buy shoes, and find a group to run/train with at least once a week. I do a lot “by the book.” My husband gets such a kick out of the fact that my answer for everything is “I’m sure there is a book or some articles on _________.” I’m not convinced that running a marathon one of those things that can be accomplished completely solo just by reading up on it. (Neither is investing…)
Okay, so I’m trying to kill some time this morning by crossing a few items off my ever growing “To Do” list of life, but it is finally time to head out for my run and then get out to run errands on my way to work. As it is, I’ve killed enough time I will once again not be able to get a full 8 in at work today. I can not work late on Wednesdays because I give evening horseback riding lessons to four adults from an assisted living facility. It is the highlight of their week! I get to look forward to a longer day tomorrow to make up for the less-than-eight. And I wonder why I never have time and run my life a day late and dollar short! At least I’m running my life.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Still Going...
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7:32 AM